Sunday, June 27, 2010

What the pit does when it rains

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Saturday, June 26, 2010

Possibly the oldest vending machine i've ever seen
Pulling into Indy and we can see Lucas Oil on the horizon. Finals is seven weeks from today...
Great show last night - we now have the full ending on the field! Excited for laundry and free time in indy today

Friday, June 25, 2010

There's also now an official DCI ipod/phone/pad app, and it's really nice. Free too!
After 3 days of storms and clinics, it felt great to finally have a long and productive ensemble block. Can't wait for the show tomorrow night!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The entire drum corps is in a big open field house right now and the fiercest storm i've seen in my life is brewing outside. Woo!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It's now 7 AM and we're STILL driving. Wow.

Sunday, June 20, 2010

Fantastic turnout at our home show tonight! On the way to charleston wv now and heading to normal for 4 days tomorrow night.

Rehearsal Nicknames

Now that we're on tour and I get Internet access more often (via the
buses), I'm going to try and write some longer posts rather than just
brief updates from my phone.

There's a lot that goes on behind the scenes and on the rehearsal
field that you don't get to see during a drum corps performance. One
of the most quirky things we do, at least as individual sections, is
give nicknames to measures of music or pages in the drill that we
commonly start or stop at. There are a ton, but just for illustration,
here are some of the nicknames we use in Khachaturian's Second Symphony.

Khach begins with a percussion feature named Snake Bite. The name
comes from the fact that the pit had a HUGE black snake come through
the pit while we were rehearsing that section, and the name spread to
the battery too. In the same vein, the pit has an exercise based on
that section that we've named Black Anaconda.

For the pit, measure 38 of Khach is officially known as Giraffe. At
one point, we were told to go to one measure past 38, and someone
asked why we didn't just say 39? Our tech Mike explained that the
offcial rehearsal numbers often don't line up with the real measure
numbers, so we phrase everything in terms of rehearsal numbers.
"Measure 38 could be called Giraffe," he said, "and I'd still tell you
to stop at one past Giraffe". We all liked the name, and so it stuck.

Next up, measure 77 is known as Furry Woodland Creature, because we
saw one running by during rehearsal yesterday in Allentown.

A lot of these are only being used by the pit, but these two came from
the battery. I heard this story secondhand, so it might be inaccurate.
Apparently the battery kept missing a hold at page 51 in the drill, so
their tech Zach had them repeat over and over "the hold is after the
triplet diddle. The hold is after the triplet diddle. The hold is
after..." and so on. Apparently in the movie Fight Club, there's a
point where they repeat the name Robert Paulson a lot, so page 51 was
christened Robert Paulson, and page 50 became Tyler Durden, another
character from Fight Club.

So there you have it. Next time you're watching a drum corps rehearsal
and someone yells out "Play out at Snake Bite! Watch your spacing at
Tyler Durden!", you'll have some idea of what's going on. Of course,
these are just a few of the many names that we have, and this is
mainly just the pit. Every section in the corps has their own
nicknames like these, and it's still June, so there are surely many
still to come.

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Four shows done in two days, and we won both nights! Phew. On the road now heading from chesapeake VA to ft mill SC for firstbeat, our first home show!

Friday, June 18, 2010

The corps just made a walmart run, and now there's a lot less free space on the bus...

Thursday, June 17, 2010

First 1 AM refueling stop of tour....

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Officially on the bus heading to a rehearsal day in west va! Glad to finally be on the road away from spring training.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Just saw the buses pull in - we're loading them up tonight, i can't wait

Monday, June 14, 2010

Spring training is almost done! Leaving here wednesday night, first real show on friday. We got a special treat today - no morning block! We're starting at 1:30

Our ever-growing garden of broken mallets

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Percussion campers playing with the crown drumline

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

131 pages of drill on the field! Preview show on sunday night! First real show in 10 days! Things are starting to get rolling around here

Monday, June 7, 2010

The rest of the pit learning some new music

Friday, June 4, 2010

We've done 100 odd sets of drill with the rest of the corps now - all the way through the ballad! Longer ensemble than usual because we ran some encores - fun!