Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More music

First up are the winners of the 2009 International Barbershop Quartet Competition - Lucky Old Sun by Crossroads. I can't say I listen to tons of barbershop, but I was absolutely captivated by this song. Their cohesiveness as an ensemble is amazing, and the sound is gorgeous. Listen closely, and you can hear what sounds like a fifth voice singing extra high on the last chord; they're so in-tune, they managed to produce an overtone! Oddly enough, I came upon this one on a drum corps forum.

This next one is this something I figured I'd share it after mentioning drum corps up there. This is Split Complementaries by the performing group Blast. Blast has quite a long history, but they are basically a drum corps on Broadway. In 1993, the drum corps Star of Indiana decided to leave the traditional DCI touring circuit and start up something they called Brass Theater. Eventually they ended up on Broadway, still doing something that resembled drum corps, but that (in my opinion) is vastly more impressive and interesting. The amount of talent each individual performer has to have for something like this is really incredible, and I'd encourage you to check out more videos on YouTube.

Lastly, I'm going to dork out for a bit and share something that sounds like it would be really boring - a drumline exercise. However, this is just about the coolest exercise I've ever heard.

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